Live Project
Online Training

Transform skills to unlock better Jobs.

Professional Trainers

We strongly believe that professional trainers emparts much more than just the course, its worth it to shape a career.

Live Interactive classes

When mind is engaged inlearning, better learning happens.

Certificates and Recognitions

Good performer and achievers are identified during the course engagement and given rewards.

Started in the year 2015

First to launch IoT course in Patna

Tech-Build is solving problems of freshers job seekers to provide the best training with industry demand courses and assist in getting job offers.


Project training completed.


Certificates awarded.


candidates got job offers after training.


Employers served.

Expert Mentors

Mentorship at Tech-build is the main pillar and it is at the best quality.

Live Supports

We provide dedicated support.

Watch Our Trainers
in Live Action

Our passionate trainers are working for the community development, they can be found easily.

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It is high time for learning


There is a moment in the life of any job aspirant that it is time to buy that first course. It’s exciting to think about setting up your own skills sets.


Your are so good as your thought

Tech-Build promote your freedom to think and think big.


"Creativity is intelligence having fun"- Albert Einstein.

Tech-Build supports your creative ideas.


Outcome is what you put in.

Tech-Build let you focus on the outcomes and not the obstacles.